October 24, 2006

Lessons from Local Chefs: Great food, sometimes cheap!

From FOODday: The Oregonian's FOODday had a great article about how to make delicious, budget-minded meals with in-season fresh ingredients. They still sound more complicated than what I can whip together during "the witching hour"--that time when everyone's hungry and whiney and DADDY STILL ISN'T HOME FROM WORK--but I'd try these on a weekend or when we're having friends over for dinner.

The article is called "Chefs can cook cheap, too." One of the greatest things about these recipes is they give you a cost per serving!

From In Good Taste:

Local cooking shop (cookware, wines, specialty foods and classes) In Good Taste is offering a class in local food cooking this Friday night (10/27) called 100 Mile Radius Meals: An Adventure with Sustainable Foods, hosted by local chef Barb Randall.

This one is not so cheap: $95 per person. As a major splurge, my husband and I are attending. The people at In Good Taste say we sit, sip wine, and watch the demonstration. I imagine this is going to end up being a date night with a show of food that I'll likely never cook unless it's a very special occasion and someone has spirited my kids out of the house. But it sounds like fun!


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