November 02, 2006

November 25: Buy only local

With the holidays upon us we'll all be spending on food for feasts, as well as gifts, decorations, and who knows what else. While retailers may see this season as the time when they're finally "in the black," we parents know that we can often feel like we're hemorrhaging red. Why not spend sensibly this year, and while we're at it, spend locally?

The Think Local Campaign, a project of the Sustainable Business Network of Portland (SBNP), is promoting the annual Buy Local Day, which is the first Saturday after Thanksgiving, November 25th. As you head out to buy food for your holiday party, or tackle your gift list, see if you can buy a locally-produced item, or at least shop at an independent, locally-owned shop. Not only will you be using your dollars to support a sustainable way of living but you'll be putting your dollar right back to work in our own community.

But if you can do it for one day, what's stopping you from buying locally for the entire holiday season? To find local businesses who use local products check out SBNP's Local Business Search Tool. You'll find plenty of the usual suspects, but there are some businesses on there that may surprise you.